La goma guar es una planta conocida bajo el nombre científico Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, de esta planta se obtiene una fibra soluble denominada también goma guar.
Ésta es utilizada para diferentes fines, ya sean terapéuticos como industriales. Dentro de los fines terapéuticos, la goma guar puede brindar beneficios para perder peso, a través de diferentes mecanismos.

Propiedades de la goma guar para adelgazar
-Reduce tanto la absorción de glucosa como de grasas obtenidas a través de los alimentos. Esto reduce la formación de tejido adiposo.
-Al reducir la absorción de glucosa, su concentración en sangre se mantiene constante, reduciendo la sensación de hambre.
-Además brinda saciedad, ya que la goma guar consumida con agua, aumenta de volumen en el estómago, estimulando el centro de saciedad a nivel cerebral.
-Aumenta la desintoxicación, por un aumento en la motilidad intestinal.
La goma guar ayuda a perder peso, a través de diferentes mecanismos, por cuanto es posible incorporarla a una dieta para adelgazar en forma natural. 

Recuerda que el consumo de goma guar se encuentra contraindicado en personas que sufren estenosis esofágica, pilórica o intestinal. Además puede causar efectos adversos como flatulencias e hinchazón abdominal.


Guar gum is a soluble fibre - it is at least partially soluble in water 
It is a white powder and is odourless, colourless, and tasteless when mixed in drinks or food.  
It forms a gel in the intestine.  
It can bind both bile-bound cholesterol and food-cholesterol and thus lower cholesterol levels to a small but clinically significant extent. 

1. Decrease the glycemic index of any meal you have
2. Increase your metabolic rate
3. Increase your fibre intake 

An important factor with regard to soluble fibres is that according to Joanna McMillan Price ".the gel-like formation slows down the access of digestive enzymes to the carbohydrate present in the gut contents which in turn slows the absorption of that carbohydrate into the bloodstream. Soluble fibre is therefore intrinsically linked to the GI of the food --- foods that are high in soluble fibre invariably have a low GI." [Star Foods, p55]
Lowering GI is important and one of the stragegies you could use is to mix a tablespoon of guar gum into water and have this just prior to eating a meal.
By decreasing the GI of the meal and slowing down absorption of the meal, your glucose levels will not swing to very high levels keeping glucose toxicity [glucotoxicity] to a minimum and decreasing stress on the beta cells of the pancreas.
Because the rate of absorption of glucose is decreased, this feature is helpful in diabetics. However, your insulin or diabetic medication may need to be adjusted if using guar gum. It may help to lower your need for insulin and for diabetic medications. 

THERMOGENESIS [heat production]
Fat loss, helping you to lose or maintain weight.
Another aspect of guar gum that is not well known is the thermogenic effect it has. In other words, just by consuming guar gum, your metabolic rate and energy expenditure increases [Brown & Livesey,1994]